Mining Eye Ltd. Mine Searches & Investigations in the Southwest.
Our mining reports are constructed using the latest digital software, mapping techniques as well as traditional methodology. The result is simple, concise and explained with the minimum of jargon. We have professional indemnity insurance to cover projects up to £2 million.
Basic Mining Search
A mining search is a document which describes the risk of mining related subsidence occurring. This is compiled by superimposing historic information onto a modern plan of the property.
The search consists of a non-technical summary, a plan of the property showing any mining features and an appendix citing what information was used in the construction of the report and it's quality.
This is an industry standard report which will suffice for conveyancing purposes.
Comprehensive Mining Search
Our comprehensive mining search is aimed at the customer who wants a considerable insight into the mine under their property.
These reports not only aim to give a detailed summary of the mine in terms of history and geology, but to also consider the probability of mining related ground contamination, the likely resting level of groundwater as well as it's likely quality.
These reports also include excerpts of the archive material, including historic maps and plans.
Ground Investigation
Where a mining search has highlighted the possibility of workings under a property, it is often necessary to investigate their extent and potential for subsidence by either trenching, or a drilling investigation.
Each property has a unique set of requirements for investigation. It is important to thoroughly cover the building for features and this is a matter for careful planning and dialogue with the client.
A typical drilling investigation is usually 2 days in duration and circa £3000.
Underground Exploration
Staff at Mining Eye are not only here to provide a professional service but are also very keen to explore mine workings for both academic interest and to increase our understanding and experience of subterranean environments. We are fully equipped and insured and can monitor air quality, radioactivity, ecological status as well as undertake surveys and record the site photographically.
Pricing of these services is on an individual basis with much work undertaken free of charge where it provides an opportunity to undertake a particularly rewarding exploration to record historic features.
Shaft/Feature Securing
The sudden opening of shafts and workings is not uncommon and can pose a particular hazard to people and animals
Should a shaft "appear" on your property or is uncovered by ground investigation works, we can provide a full assessment, supervise the installation of fencing at a safe distance and are able to offer advice regarding a number of structurally engineered and accepted permanent capping solutions.
Due to the very individual nature of each working prices are given after initial assessment so please contact us for a free consultation.
Pricing (No Vat for a limited time)
Basic Mining Search:- From £60
Detailed Mining Search:- From £80
Footings Inspection:- From £140
Shaft Capping:- From £3k.
Ground Investigation:- From £1k.
Underground Exploration:- £ P.O.A
Company Number: 08711097. OS Licence Number : 100056616 |